Each November we come together as a church and community to provide Thanksgiving Food Boxes to bless local students & families in need. 

Our goal this year is to provide 50 food boxes to help feed over 250 people. You can help make this possible by sponsoring a HALF ($20) or FULL ($40) food box. Each box will include a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, yams, marshmallows, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, rolls and a pie. 

If you'd like to be a part of blessing a family in need this Thanksgiving, simply click the button below. 

Interested in helping to assemble and deliver the food boxes? Join us Saturday, November 18th at 10 am @ Epic Life Church. Together we'll put the food boxes together and drop them off to the receiving families. Let us know your coming by signing-up on a Connection Card this Sunday or email us at info@epiclifechurch.com. 

We look forward to partnering with you in blessing those in need this Thanksgiving! 

(Note: Sponsorships are tax deductible.)