2/9 | 10:00 AM | 
Super Bowl Sunday is right around the corner and you're invited for some pre-game fun! Football fan or not we're planning a service that will get you pumped for the BIG DAY! Represent by wearing your team colors and be ready to enjoy some football treats, friends and fun including the opportunity to compete for the chance to win a Super Bowl Prize Pack full of goodies. We guarantee it's going to be a great way to kick-off the day so join us and bring some friends!

2/16 | 10:00 AM | ELC
Baptism is a big and exciting step — an act of faith and obedience to publicly share your commitment to following Jesus. We’d love to celebrate this milestone with you. Just CLICK HERE for more information.

Wednesdays | 2/12 - 4/9 | 7 - 8:30 pm | ELC
We all could use a faith that can stand the test of time and throughout these 10 weeks Pastor Mike will share how to develop a solid foundation. Whether you're exploring faith, a new believer or you've been a lifetime follower of Jesus you'll learn Biblical truths, gain new understanding of the Bible, receive tools to strengthen your faith and help you grow strong in your Christian life. Childcare is provided. CLICK HERE to join the group.  

2/21 | $30 | 7 - 9 PM | ELC
Every marriage could use a boost to keep the relationship healthy and strong and what better time for a boost then during the season of love. Join us for a night out together as couples enjoying hors d'oeuvres, a few fun activities, learning some tools to help strengthen your relationship and maybe even win a date night door prize. Cost is $30 per couple and childcare is provided. CLICK HERE to register today!

2/23 | 11:15 AM | ELC
Students and parents! It's that time to be preparing for Summer Camp 2025 so join us directly following the service in front of the auditorium for a quick informational meeting with Q&A. We'll also be sharing more details about this year's costs, deposits and opportunities to earn discounts through our ELC Summer Camp Summit Scholarship Program. Let us know you're coming by signing up to attend on a Connection Card.

Monthly | ELC 
As a church we are committed to strengthening our community and helping meet patient needs through blood donations. These blood drives give our church and community the opportunity to help save lives. We are regularly hosting blood drives and if you'd like to schedule a blood donation appointment, CLICK HERE!